Conservative Sites – Declined/Defunded/Rejected
I’ve heard about conservative sites running up against some struggles getting and/or keeping their sites approved. At the time, I didn’t think much of it and simply thought maybe the submission was incorrect; don’t think I could have been further from the truth.
Right360 has been attempting to get affiliate accounts approved from several different programs to help offset the cost of running these sites. Initially, we started trying to get onboard with
Advertising Banners:
Big G- Banner Advertising:
Initially, we thought this would be the quickest, everyone seems to be using them. This was denied a couple of times by receipt of a very generic denial/rejected email. At this point in time, I don’t recall the action/change that finally got us approved to use the Banner Advertising; however, I’ll keep this section open as a place holder for follow-up.
CAVEAT: Using G- is part of all the tracking that is going on behind the scenes.
Denied Dates: TBD
Fix Actions: TBDAffiliate Programs:
1. Amazon Associate (8th Application):
Overlapping with the above banner advertising, we started working on our .store/.shop portion of the Right360 site and applied for the Amazon Associate program. Over the course of 4-weeks, we configured the store with over 5,000 conservative products. We achieved the three qualifying orders to be awarded an associate account. However, we received another generic email and notification that our account had been closed/rejected.
When attempting to login to our associate account… it didn’t exist, just gone with no details on how to move forward/fix whatever the justification was/is. Just reapply. At this point, we’ve closed down the .store/.shop portion of the site (redirected to a shopping section of .com) with the intent of just trying to get approved as an associate using hyperlinked text within the posts that forward to the actual Amazon site. At this time (10/24/2023), we are on our 8th iteration of right360, as you can’t reuse any of the previous accounts that were declined/rejected. Again, each rejection simply rejected with no details… account simply closed… reapply.
2. AWIN Affiliate:
We were allowed an affiliate account; however, we are sitting around a 90% failure/reject on our appliations with companies such as:
– HP Instant Ink. Rejected due to: Site does not complement advertiser brand
– Motley Fool. Rejected due to: Site does not complement advertiser brand
– Etsy. Rejected due to: At this time, we’re looking to partner with content sites, that will provide original content and personalized experiences around Etsy to their posts. We appreciate you taking the time to apply for Etsy’s Affiliates Program and wish you success with your growing business.
– Commission Junction (CJ). Rejected
– eBay. Rejected due to: Your application was denied for one of the following reasons:- The
country you are applying from is not currently supported by our program. - Your
email address has already been used to register for an eBay Partner
Network account. - You
do not meet other specific criteria as outlined in the Network Agreement
and/or are not in compliance with our Code of Conduct.
3. Search Engines:
I’ve listed other Real Estate sites within the Search Engines with relative ease, which is to say I have some development experience getting sites SEO’ed into the search results. However, getting the Right360 sites listed within the search engines has been one hell of a project. One day the site is listed in the top-10, top-5, and in some cases position 1 and 2. Then the site gets totally wiped out… gone… and then it’s a struggle to just get back to position 40, which might as well be de-listed – how many people actually go beyond the first ten results.Anyway, this is just a small list of all the challenges that Right360 has been up against as a Conservative Site. If anyone has any suggestions on how to move this ball forward and overcome all these road blocks. Please feel free to leave comments/feedback.
R/, Chad
- The
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