• Mind Control: The Tricks They Use To Alter Your Thought Process

    Posted by Right 360 on April 1, 2023 at 7:53 am

    Mind control is rife in various aspects of society, such as news, entertainment, academia, employment, and social media. Also known as brainwashing, coercive persuasion, menticide, or forced re-education, it refers to the process of altering the human mind via psychological tricks.

    While thought control has existed throughout modern human history, recent advancements in technology accelerated brainwashing. Mind control interferes with the individualā€™s ability to think critically on various issues, creating resistance to divergent, new, or unwanted ideas. It also alters how individuals perceive reality, making them more vulnerable to manipulation.

    Mind Control in Academia

    Given the age of most of its mind-control subjects, academia tops our list of sectors with some of the strongest mind-control. Children as young as eight are introduced to advanced topics they can not comprehend and are taught on how to think about them.

    In higher education institutions such as colleges and universities, mind control occurs through censoring certain topics and ideas and amplifying others.

    Non-conformant public speakers are chased away or shunned from universities, while teachers with divergent opinions are persecuted, fired, or banned from speaking about such issues. Similarly, academic journals refuse to publish materials that do not conform to a particular viewpoint, leading to the self-censorship of intellectuals.

    Subsequently, students are exposed to a single ideology, creating an army of narrow-minded citizens who cannot accommodate divergent views or rationally think about difficult topics.

    Mind control in Employment

    In employment, mind control occurs through company slogans, advertisements, corporate communication, or even branding. These actions influence workers’ attitudes towards certain issues by positively reinforcing certain behaviors and discouraging non-conformance.

    For example, organizations may encourage or reward employees for participating in certain events, such as Pride marches or praise employees for hanging Pride flags. Similarly, the same organization may ostracize employees (Human Resources) for refusing to participate in certain causes or reprimand others for hanging a different flag, e.g., the US flag.

    Mind Control in Entertainment

    In entertainment, mind control occurs through the use of certain archetypes, such as characters with certain qualities unrelated to the storyā€™s plot.

    Such characters are never in the wrong and will always be heroes or anti-villains. By doing so, the entertainment industry romanticizes certain ideas to push a certain agenda.

    Persuasive messaging and subliminal advertising are also common in the entertainment industry to alter peopleā€™s thought processes.

    Mind Control in the News

    In news coverage, mind control occurs through selective reporting, censorship, and outright propaganda.

    News media outlets focus on one side of the story and ignore facts that do not align with their viewpoint.

    Certain news items are also given total blackout leaving the audience in the dark about whatā€™s happening outside their community.

    Similarly, media outlets broadcast outright propaganda to demonize or sanctify certain ideas or individuals without any factual evidence. Biased news coverage leads to false narratives making the audience immune to any new or factual information. This promotes certain perceptions, such as ā€œOrange man bad,ā€ which propagate throughout society.

    Thought Control on Social Media

    On social media, thought control occurs through algorithm bias, moderation, and censorship bias, where social media companies suppress stories that do not align with their propaganda.

    Similarly, social media platforms push stories to peopleā€™s timelines, encouraging a certain viewpoint.

    For example, Twitter (v1, pre-Musk) suppressed Hunter Bidenā€™s laptop story, labeling it as disinformation, despite the glaring evidence. Similarly, social media bots, trolls, and paid influencers amplify propaganda on social media to influence peopleā€™s thought processes.

    Without proper information, detecting thought control may be difficult, making the subjects more difficult to persuade.

    Right 360 replied 1 year, 6 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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