Is Right360 free to use?

Yes! Right360 is completely free to use. Right360 is ad/reader-supported.If you choose to follow the links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which helps offset the operating costs of supporting the sites.

How are Websites selected?

All Websites are human reviewed/selected for quality content/categorization. If that site is a good fit, we then catalog the site into our hierarchy of sites. More to follow on the section process.

Why/When was Right360 created?

When: Right360, was founded in 2000. The Right360 model is, 95% of all sites used, make up only the Top 10-100 sites in each category. Why: If you search G–gle, for ‘news’, you’ll see they report 23,000,000,000 billion sites found;...

What is Right360 Start Page?

Right360, was founded in 2000. Right360 is an easy to use Start Page that allows user(s) to customize (add/delete/move) the front-end homepage grid with the top sites they use every day/week/month/year.
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